Sunday, March 4, 2012

What kind of event can I organize that will make money to donate to a charity?

I'm thinking: food drive, concert, or bake sale (is this ok to be organizing for school?). I want original and money making events where all of the proceeds go to a charity.

I'm 13 and if I do this, it would be with the school so on the school's budget. So pretty much the event has to be at a low to reasonable cost.What kind of event can I organize that will make money to donate to a charity?
Bake sales are only allowed at my children's school if all the goods come individually wrapped (not home-baked) so you may want to check your school's policy.

A food drive or "dress-down" day might be better if your school has uniforms.What kind of event can I organize that will make money to donate to a charity?
Everyone loves a bake sale.


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