Sunday, March 4, 2012

What is a good event to organise for the youths? Thinking of involving our college 17,18 year olds ...?

It will bbe powered and sponsored by our youth committee? Need to keep budget low, and we can't charge people too much for the competition/event.

Something that will be fun and pleasant for youths (13-35) and my friend and I are thinking of involving our two junior colleges.

As the youth committee is a community association, we need to do something that is considered "okay" for the community?What is a good event to organise for the youths? Thinking of involving our college 17,18 year olds ...?
A "Battle of the Bands" event is always well attended in our area; but this might be more time consuming and expensive than you can do. How about an 'Open Mike Night"? You could specify an age range for the performers. You could either charge admission or sell refreshments to bring in some money to cover expenses.

Host a young artists festival. Your target audience could be invited to enter their artwork in a competition. You could invite adult artists in your area to be judges. Solicit local businesses and indviduals for prizes. The community colleges could be invited to enter the competition or how about do demonstrations: drawing cartooning, do quick sketches/portraits, sidewalk chalk art, pottery, painting, photography, etc. Again, sell refreshments to cover costs.

Host a Geo-Caching, Orienteering, or treasure hunt event.

Take them back to their younger days and host a "field day"; include events like tug-of-war, jump rope, shooting baskets, biggest or most bubbles created contests, sack races, etc.

Do a group community service project.

Host a costumed dance. Hire a dee-jay. Pick a theme for the costumes: Heroes %26amp; Heroines, Favorite Character from a Video Game, Teens in the Future, etc. Charge a small admission and sell refreshments.
%26gt;Glow%26lt; You are welcome! Have fun!

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What is a good event to organise for the youths? Thinking of involving our college 17,18 year olds ...?
You could organize a baking sale first. Have your moms in the group of your youth bake different items. Than have a cake and cookie competition. Your mom's should charge the money accordingly by piece. That money you could than use for your event

An event that is low cost for youth would be like egg hunt, or basket ball game where you could raise a small portion of money. Longtime youth leader.

Another event I could think off would be a painting event. Have a paint store donate some paint and paper. I think that would be fun to do.
Why dont you formulate a questionnaire involving your questions and distribute them to your youths....Tell them about the tight budget but they must not know that it is coming from their own Committee.

Then compare all answers and work out the best possible event suitable for them and your pocket!!!

Good Luck!What is a good event to organise for the youths? Thinking of involving our college 17,18 year olds ...?
Do a culture day. Have everyone cook one dish of something and set it up buffet style(you're going to need LOTS of food), have the dancers preform cultural dances, have the art people make things so you can sell them, and then all you need is maybe a clown and a DJ. It shouldn't cost much and its a lot of fun. We did one last year and it was a success. We paid $500 - $600 for everything and we made almost $3,500. Charge $4 for plates of food, $2 entrance, and children younger than 5 get in free, water $1, soda $2. Rent popcorn machines and cotton candy some places may even donate them to you for that day. First tell them what you are planning, then ask if you can borrow it, if they ask for money then work with that. It'll come as you move along! =] good luck love.
Concert, games..stuff like that
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